Electric Vehicle Consulting

Are you ready for the Electric Vehicle Revolution?


New alternative fuelled vehicles are coming to the market on a regular basis however there a a number of factors that impact the suitability for your fleet

Questions you may ask:

  • Vehicle lease cost
  • Vehicle range
  • Journey length and frequency
  • Charging Speed
  • Availability of charging spaces
  • Technological advances

How does it work?

All of these factors need to be taken into consiideration before businesses should consider even taking on a single electric vehicle never find full fleet switchover.

With the significant decrease in Electric Car Benefit in Kind Tax in April 2020 many businesses will be transitioning to towards an electric vehicle fleet over the coming years,

The LetsTalk Fleet Consulting team have considerable experience in developing, implementing and operating Fleet policies which include Electric and Alternative fuelled vehicle both as supplier and customer.

We can use this experience to review your requirements and implement an optimised solution.

Key Features

Optimising your Fleet Spend

Right policy for your fleet

Minimising fuel costs

Increase driver satisfaction